Album: Bitstream Genesis | Song: Chaos Surprise | Artist: Fermus This beat is a remake of an old tune I did back in the days that came in second place in a compo held by Added some more gaming/chiptune stuff to represent the god ol days. The...
Non fungible token – by Fermus I found some better samples then 8bit and just played around. Every piece of my brain works hard on these tunes. Non fungible token was composed in Open ModPlug Tracker and it’s original is made as an .XM (Fasttracker 2)...
Scriptykiddy By Fermus This is the story off when a scriptkiddie at his prime time had bought his own 36.6k modem to be able to surf the prosperous Internetz. It all ended up with a his dad busting in the scriptkiddies door because he held up the phoneline while the...